Saturday, October 31, 2009
Best Policeman in THE WORLD
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Player of THE WEEK
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pumpkin Plump...
And Gloria Glorious I hope will make at least one little sick fellow

Plump friends... I always knew that the fur and hats
would come in handy one day..

Ha .. Michael (our Group Pastor) borrowed one
Though this may not have been a life-changing thing in the face of serious illness...
It was hopefully however a Spark of Happy and a genuine effort
for those out there who are sick to know that people care..
I've always thought that
The world is filled with MUCH
more GOOD than BAD..
But for some reason it's just never makes it on the news...
We then tend to think that what we see on tv is all that's there...
I say...POO on the news...
It's all a matter of where you look....
and......Lifepointe Church is a fabulous place to LOOK..
I've been going there since last March,
and have met some of the most wonderful people.
People who remind me often ... to care..
If you live in the Ft. Worth area...
I'd love to invite you to come by next Sunday.
I can promise you will be greeted with a SMILE..
May we never forget that sometimes it just takes a moment
to show someone you care.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Goodwill Glory

I love filling up clear glass. They seem to take on so many different looks
depending on what you put in them..
Though I already had MANY of them...
I couldn't resist some great new ones.

We went to Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and of course Wal Mart..
He had me so tickled I could hardly shop.
"Get this one.... NO get this one!"
We spray painted pumpkins, and put glitter on most anything that didn't move..
We filled our skulls with black beans, and dug out all the silver "bling" we could find.
I decided I didn't want to just use the same ole' orange and black...
spaceSo we threw in lots of sliver "bling", purple, and my favorites.... Black and White
space We started our table with only the green plates,
and filled the entire top for less than $20.
Now that's why I love Goodwill....

This is Brady's scary face to go along with our table...
He has had more fun talking to the skeletons than I ever dreamed...
And some of my spiders mysteriously keep disappearing. haha

The chairs were among my other wonderful Goodwill finds this week.
I loved the style and the size.. They were only $8 each.
I bought enough to go around my table..
My next project is to recover them in zebra and polka dots..
I'll show you when I'm all done.

And here... My friends is the greatest of all time Goodwill finds..
This fellow as you can see from the size up next to my chase lounge
is HUGE !!!!!
He was just like new and waiting on me to get him home.
He was regularly $2, but since it was half off day.........
I brought this fellow home for the grand total of 1 buck..

Brady... who is obsessed with monkeys is in awe of his new friend.
Though he is much bigger than Brady, and out weighs him by a long shot....
He named him Brady Jr...
We all laughed so hard we nearly wet our pants...
So... next time you travel past a Goodwill sign....
You might just stop in and see what treasures you can uncover..
Who knows what you'll find.
May we all find something fabulous that just simply makes our day!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Perfectly Pink

I realize that most everyone in the FREE world has noticed that there

My mother was first diagnosed with Cancer while she was still in her 20's.
I don't remember much about it because I was just a little girl.
I do however remember the scar she came home with.
This was back before Chemo was used, and I don't remember anyone ever even talking about radiation or any of the treatments so widely used today...
I just remember my Granny saying "they had to get it ALL"... And that THEY DID...
Today I never even notice Mom's scar.... but I notice every single day that she is ALIVE...
May we all know that there is no treasure like our Mother!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Brent's Birthday


So... even though it isn't any award winner,
we had Brad take our picture all together..
My daddy had every single person in the world he loves right there.
His mother is dead, his dad is dead, and my brother is dead....
SO... literally me and my kids are all in this world that Dad has left.
Every remaining drop of Edgar blood was right there in that picture.

Then rest assured that is what happens...
Brady was singing "Papa is great... He feeds me chocolate cake!"

And when Daddy left on Monday not a single bite was left. haha

I've said before I can't imagine it any other way...
These 2 boys melt my heart each time they are together.

for over an hour....


Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Another Dozing Darling
his mother learned early on how dear God's blessing was to her.

He Woke Up,
Held up his head, and looked right at me..
What a sweet surprise..
So... We went from Dozing Darlings to Awakening Angels

Sound asleep and posing like a little champ..

And can't wait for my next little Dozer...
May we all have a day where we sleep like a baby....
(hope mine is coming soon)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Circus Silly

saying "Bitsy, Bitsy Elephant Momma"

Brook was then placed in charge of all events that required
"my feet to be off the ground"
Somehow it just didn't seem to bother her at all.
Maybe it takes passing 40 to realize how bad it hurts to fall
from what feels like "the sky"

with both their faces, and their humps..
And as you can see.......
"Monk, Monk" also went to the circus, and rode all the animal rides.

MY friends was without a doubt the strangest thing I have ever seen..
This person (I think it was a boy)
could absolutely do things with his body that "should not be done"

But I wanted to tell him
"You're gonna have arthritis when you get older"


THIS was never an option!

And he was quite fascinated with the whole Tiger in the Fire trick..
3 days later... he is still telling me that "Fire hurts babies but not Tigers"

close my eyes through this whole feat.
I would NEVER get that far off the ground even bolted inside a steel cage,
much less walking around in spandex..
It was just TOO much..

Our FAVORITES were back on stage..
By far and away the Elephants were the cutest of all.
And that sweet little baby trying to do everything her momma did was just absolutely irresistible to watch.

THAT is just precious...
What a wonderful time we had...
Thank you so so much April and Bret for inviting us.
Where would we be without friends..
May we all find the JOY in something we've done before,
when we GET to do it all over AGAIN !