Friday, March 27, 2009


I know that technically every person on this Earth has a unique set of fingerprints.
But truly.... Our children are touched every day by the fingerprints we imprint upon them.
space here
If you ever stop and think about it - it is somewhat scary to realize what a huge impact we have on our children. They watch each and every move we make... mimicking our words, our actions, and most importantly our hearts... So, stop today and take a moment to ponder the fingerprints you are leaving behind.


Darla said...

great and profound thought. i will do that today.

Sher said...

I guess that means my kids are going to grow up to be bad asses like their Mom!!! ;)

Healing Expressions said...

HI Stacey....It always amazes me how God uses kindred souls out there to speak encouragement and hope when times are rough! I seem to be in a rocky place these days and my risky steps into vulnerablility have been blessed by your wilingness to share your heart with me and confirm this path of healing! I was blessed by your images of your family..and who they are to you! Take Care!