If God could forgive and use David... then he can do the same for me.
My favorite verse in the whole bible is..."Let go of those things which are behind, and reach forward to those things that are ahead." Somehow I have let that verse be for everyone else in the world but me. How could I let go of what was behind when I was packing that guilt and bringing it with me everywhere I went. It survived 3 moves, and countless cleanings. Yet somehow I held on.
I am a firm believer that sometimes you have to hit the bottom to appreciate the climb back up again. But that's what life is all about... the journey. What we do with our mistakes is up to us. We can let them make us bitter, or let them make us better.
He is truly the Love of my Life.. I love the way he walks so slow that I can literally make a circle around him, I love the way he makes a joke then asks me if that was a good one, I love his cooking and the way he fixes my plate, I love the way he orders all my drinks with extra ice, the way he folds his dirty clothes when he puts them in the laundry.
I love the way he loves my children as if they were his own, the way he drives all over town to buy something on sale, the way he watches me with Brady knowing we are both crazy about the man we call "dad", the way he smiles with his lip crocked up on one side, the way he has friends he talks to all the time that he went to Kindergarten with, and a million more silly, wonderful, annoying, fabulous things. But... most of all I love that man because of all he is yet to be. The man whose dreams I can't wait to watch come true.
The greatest gift Little Brady will ever know is that his mommy is crazy in love with his dad.. Not because he looks like the guys on tv, or because he makes the most money and buys us fancy things, not because he's famous or is full of ivy league education.... But because he's the man our lives would never be the same without.