Monday, September 29, 2008

Blessed and Thankful

Wow... Today has been a week exactly since my surgery. I can finally sit up long enough to lean over my laptop and check all my email and get back to my blog. Thank you so much to everyone who sent well wishes, calls, food, and cards. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and fabulous family. It is honestly when you see how precious those people you love are when you are down. I can't say enough about how amazing my sweet mother and "my dream man" have been to me. You know you are just never too old to need your momma. Poor Brad didn't always know what to do when it came to all these girl parts and hurting. ( I actually think that's good) But I can't count the times that my sweet momma rubbed my back and held my hair back to wipe my head with a wet rag. She has taken care of Little Brady, sewed up cheerleading uniforms, changed diapers, washed clothes, and even offered to walk the dog. And all with a smile and the kindest, gentle hands. Now, I'm not sure, but I just don't think money has a price for something like that. And I can't say enough for "my dream man". For those of you who know him, you know what I mean when I say that you just can't get much more of a manly man than Brad. He's kinda on the rough side with a dry sometimes harsh sense of humor. But WOW... He was the best bearded angel I have ever seen. He held my hand, got up in the night countless times to give me medicine and a cup of ice water ( of which I always only drank a few sips). He's been to the store, carted cheerleaders all over school, cooked every single meal and served me mine on a plate, and is without a doubt the greatest daddy any little boy could ever ask for. I've always said that sometimes in the midst of something not so great you find something amazing. I have had such joy watching my guys play with each other. How I love that Man... And my sweet Brent has called me from college and written and texted me a many many times checking on his momma. And boy, I can't forget about sweet Brook... She has been my little "other mother". So good and kind. When you've been loved by Brooklyn you've been loved..
Thanks again to all my family and to my wonderful friends. My cup runeth over.


Oreste said...

Hello Staci. A salute from Rome. Ciao

Sher said...

Who is in Rome? I want to be in Rome...

If I were there, I'd make you soup. Glad you are feeling better.