Sorry to all My BLOg buddies..
I have been in a whirl-wind of STUFF the last couple of weeks.
But... as I have learned with ALL the other
tough moments in my life
This too shall PASS!!!
Those of you who have been reading my
BLOg for very long
know about our ongoing battles with the High School Cheerleading Sponsor.
Truly I can not even think of one nice thing to say about her.
So... for the most part I will leave it at that.
It has made me appreciate ALL THE MORE however
the competitive team she also cheers for.
The coaches there have been the most wonderful people
to be a part of their program.
This is
one of Brook's very favorite coaches at the gym..
Mr. T.... has been such a motivator, and such a fun man to work with.
Brook has always been a pleaser and has been my child who
triples her effort for a little praise.
T must have figured that out early and Brook
just thought he was simply incredible..
WE had our last competition and ended it with a
The girls won high point and got another Jacket...
She's been cheering since she was 6 and I must say
we have gathered lots of jackets along the way. haha
But... this one was special because it was her last time
to cheer in Fort Worth.
After lots of thought, pros and cons list making, many many prayers, and a meeting with one strangely evil woman...
who will not allow Brook to cheer for Southwest High School next year
because (I summarize) she doesn't like ME.
Mind you... I have had ONE conversation with the woman..
She doesn't think that she can be fair to Brook!!
WHAT ?????
I wasn't aware you could do that in public school.
BUT... I refuse to let whatever MUST be wrong with that woman
push me anywhere near the edge of NEGATIVE..
I have secretly cried several buckets of tears, and
wondered how in the world someone like that can be
in charge of teenage girls.
BUT... one night as I lay in my bed wondering WHY..
I felt a strange sense of peace knowing that
MY CHILD... My one and only GIRL
will no longer be under the influence of
a woman who (in my opinion) has NOOOOOOOOOO
business being in a position of leadership.
Teenagers have a hard enough time
making it through this world we call LIFE...
and MAYBE it takes a GIANT push from a source you
never expected to realize that sometimes
it's just NOT WORTH IT !!!!
After a ridiculous meeting with the principal of Southwest High School
she assured me that this decision was in the best interest of MY child.
As I left her office in tears I wondered HOW.....
BUT... now I know
we have decided that it would be best for Brook
to go back to Snyder for her Senior Year.
She, Brady and I will be moving there the first of August
for her to start school in a place that
even after being gone for 4 years......
STILL feels a lot like HOME.
I know it won't be easy only seeing Brad on weekends,
but... it's ONLY for 10 months...
people in the military do it all the time.
Men and Woman all over the world make
sacrifices for their children.
We only have one shot at raising them...
and all we can do is our BEST..
So... to all of Brook's friends
who will be trying out for cheerleader tomorrow
at Southwest High School without her...
We do wish you the very best of LUCK...
May we all realize that God promises us
ALL things work together for his good.
Not some things, and NOT only the things we expected....
But ALL things !!!