Monday, September 29, 2008
Blessed and Thankful
Thanks again to all my family and to my wonderful friends. My cup runeth over.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Precious Baby Almost Here

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Old Memories

Monday, September 15, 2008
We Can All Pretend

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Holding on to Time
As I was rocking little Brady to sleep tonight reading his stories and letting him climb all over me like a human jungle gym I suddenly realized that I only have 2 days left to hold him. My surgery... the "Happy Hysterectomy" is scheduled for Wednesday. They tell me that I won't be able to pick up over 20 pounds for 4 to 6 weeks. I'm not sure how well that will work, but I suppose they say it for a reason. However, since MY Main Man already weighs 25 lbs. that is going to make life around here somewhat difficult. No words can describe how that little guy has changed my life. The thought of not squeezing him and swinging him around while we dance to the oldies or going for our morning walks is more than I can think about right now. I am just focusing on the fact that in a few weeks I may not have to stop and grab the closest non-moving object when I sneeze to keep from wetting my pants or having all my parts fall in the floor. haha Who knows I may even be jumping on the trampoline in the near future. Well, before I go totally overboard with my dreams.... I would like to say thank you to everyone who has sent me well wishes, and offers to help and all the pre-prayers. Your kindness is a tickle in my heart.
Thanks again,

Here are a few more shots from a recent baby shoot. How unbelievably precious this little family was. Should remind us all to hold on to the things that really matter with both hands, because sometimes while we're busy they slip away.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Friday, September 12, 2008
Gota Love Butts

Some butts just need to show. I was getting stuff ready at the studio today for a shoot tomorrow and of course "my main man" had to climb over and check it all out. I decided it was as good a time as any to do his 9 month pictures.. Oh my goodness we laughed so hard. Brook and I both agreed that Brady has got to be the only person in the whole world whose butt looks cute with dimples. What a precious angel that child has been. Sometimes right in the middle of your regular old life a little suprise comes along that changes you forever. Thank you Lord for picking me to be this amazing little boy's momma..
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Young & Beautiful

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Something Old makes Something NEW
It has begun. I've been looking at my house (which I do love) lately and feeling the need for a little change. I've gone for the past 4 years now with very calm colors and a tone on tone place in my life. I guess I needed a rest period. But now
SHA-ZAM I'm back...
I'm ready to bring a little spice back into the colors of my life. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I decided I'd start one room at a time so as not to send my husband totally over the edge. I had the general color scheme and idea of what I wanted in my head, now I just had to find the stuff and get busy.
I started shopping around and
OH MY GOODNESS... what I wanted was everywhere. It was like the decorating fairies were watching me from above throwing all the perfect stuff in my path. I had to get it. I've been to junk stores, garage sales, thrift stores, fabric stores, department stores, and antique salvage yards. Grabbed a little here and a little there and I am so excited to see how it is all going to turn out. I started out with a chest of drawers that I have had for a long time. It was a junk store find several years ago. It was your basic brown ole wood. For sure... nothing fun to look at. Since it was no great family heirloom or anything - I decided to start the color magic with it.. I let my head loose, and I think it turned out pretty darn cute. 16 dollars worth of new knobs from Home Depot and the old girl was ready for action. Even Brad thought she looked cute. Added in a new garage sale chair in great condition, my all time favorite painting, a WOW new lamp from Hobby Lobby, and this room is fun and done. I woke up in the middle of the night to go make Brady a bottle and stumbled through the door and forgot how fun my new room was. Even made me grin at 4 in the morning. NOW that's what I call fabulous..
Next .. Was to remake one of my other favorite things.
(my leopard chase lounge ) that ,by the way,
no one sits on but the dog. But, it's so cute.. ha I found the perfect black and white pillow at ROSS and a green one somewhere and sewed a big ole button on it. The lamp shade is my favorite new thing. It's the most fabulous pattern of black and white. And it was only 4 dollars at the thrift store. (it's a little girl's skirt) already hemmed and everything plus lined. What more could a girl ask for. Threw in my colored texture balls and I smile every time I walk past.
This old boot is one of the most special things I have. It belonged to my granny. I remember it always being in her house and that we were never allowed to touch it. Have no clue as to how it has made it all these years without getting broken. Maybe it has a little guardian angel watching over it. Have no idea how old it really is, but 50 years at least. Found these wonderful photo albums to set beside it, and makes that ole boot feel young again.
And I must say.. TODAY so do I.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Stop and See

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
One Man's Junk is another Man's Treasure