I can hardly believe that a week from today
I will be starting my NEW job teaching
Art and Photography.
I am so thrilled... but a tad stressed
trying to get everything around here finished.
"Throw out 50 Things" book.
I can not say enough about how wonderful it is.
Without a doubt.. it is the most life changing book
I've read in a long long time.
What a mess of toys he had in his little room.
So many, and in such chaos that he hardly
even played with them.
Soooooo.. we dumped ALL of them out
and started separating into sections.
NOT excited he was about this project.
But... we went through every single toy..
and found a whole bunch we'd forgotten about
that he could almost bury himself in them.
I went to Wal-Mart and bought
see through tubs.
(this I have found is a wonderful secret for kids)
Now he can see exactly what toys he has.
We organized every thing we were keeping,
and put them all into SECTIONS.
He is quite picky about making sure
the cars do NOT get into the animal section. haha
I just LOVE how it all turned out...
and Brady has played more with his toys
in the last few days than he has
in the last 3 months put together.
While on my "GET rid of stuff" tour
through my house. I decided that I didn't
really like anything at all in my living room.
SO... I cleared almost ALL of it out
and I am starting over.
I found some of my MILLIONS of frames
in the garage and painted them all
various shades of turquoise.
I have pictures to go in almost all of them
and will show you the finished wall
as soon as I get them all in and the wall painted.
I also found this HUGE canvas
on the side of the road
and brought it home.
I know exactly the painting I am going to do
on it... but just haven't gotten around to that
yet either.
So for now everything is just
a random shade of uncluttered blue....
May we all... (MOSTLY me)
remember that everything does NOT
HAVE to be done TODAY!
Sometimes it's the SLOW rides that are the most enjoyable.

see through tubs.
(this I have found is a wonderful secret for kids)
Now he can see exactly what toys he has.

and put them all into SECTIONS.
He is quite picky about making sure
the cars do NOT get into the animal section. haha
I just LOVE how it all turned out...
and Brady has played more with his toys
in the last few days than he has
in the last 3 months put together.

through my house. I decided that I didn't
really like anything at all in my living room.
SO... I cleared almost ALL of it out
and I am starting over.
I found some of my MILLIONS of frames
in the garage and painted them all
various shades of turquoise.
I have pictures to go in almost all of them
and will show you the finished wall
as soon as I get them all in and the wall painted.

on the side of the road
and brought it home.
I know exactly the painting I am going to do
on it... but just haven't gotten around to that
yet either.
So for now everything is just
a random shade of uncluttered blue....
May we all... (MOSTLY me)
remember that everything does NOT
HAVE to be done TODAY!
Sometimes it's the SLOW rides that are the most enjoyable.
I am so glad you told yourself that it doesn't have to be done TODAY!! Of course, regrettably I go to the other end of the spectrum. However much you get done with your house, organized or not, I know that the students you will teach are in for a treat. You were and will be again, the best teacher ever!
I love you.
Hi Staci! Thanks for visiting my blog! I also enjoyed your lovely blog, and seeing pics of your precious family! I especially love the pics in front of that colorful garage door! Have a great weekend! -Dori
You inspire me SO much! I am going to show my daughter the see-through tub idea. I think it will help with my granddaughter's toys... as with many American kids... there are MANY of them.
Can't wait to see all your projects finished.
Sweet comment from your mom... aren't moms the best!
Great job with the toys. I can never seem to get them all organized.
You look like you've been having such fun, Satci. but, then, when do YOU not have fun? You have such a gift of making everything special for the ones you love. I can't wait to see your painting when it's finished!
clearing out the clutter is so gratifying, isn't it? i love how neat and tidy his little closet is now. and i can't wait to see what you put in all those frames. in the meantime they look really cute just as they are!
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