Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wedding Wishes

My mother has been here this week
to help watch Brady
so that I could finish a Wedding Album.

As I worked on their album pages
I traveled many times to my little
FAIRYTALE world of romance and happily ever afters.

I am always touched by the uniqueness
of each couple's LOVE STORY.
And out of all the Weddings I have photographed
over the years........ NO two have ever been the same.

I enjoy so very much getting to know
each of my couples and hearing
their LOVE stories.

It is always inspiring and somewhat magical
to be in the presence of LOVE....
and what better place to find that
than in the middle of a Wedding.

So... as I worked on the pages of this book
and relived a few sparks of their magic....
I thought I'd share some of my favorites.

The best part about seeing a Wedding photograph
(and not being a part of the wedding)....
is that you get to make up your own story.
Some of my favorite pictures
are ones where I had NO clue what
was REALLY going on... soooooooooo
I made it up!!

I hope that everyone out there
in BLOG world today is sprinkled
with a little magic...

I hope next time you're at a Wedding...
you will STOP and watch for the sparkles..

and... I hope none of us EVER stop wishing for
a Fairytale in our own lives..
Sometimes all it takes is a sprinkle
for one to begin!!

Bliss and Blessings your way today..

May you find LOVE looking just around the corner.


Beth said...

beautiful wedding AND beautiful photos!

sara said...

Gorgeous pictures! GOOD job!

Anonymous said...

Love the bride and love the photographer--beautiful combination! What beautiful shots. Great job!

myletterstoemily said...

staci, you are an amazing photographer.
that lucky couple is so blessed to have
had you chronicle their special day.

and it has inspired me to add a few
sparkles to the love of my life, as we
approach our 30th anniversary.


Bring Pretty Back said...

You take beautiful photo's!
I am with you Staci~ I love the idea od a fairytale. And zi am trying every day to get as close as I can to that! I loved your photo's and loved your words.
Have a pretty dsay,

DMG said...

Trips to your blog ALWAYS make me happy, Staci. You have the lovely gift of not only knowing how to find and appreciate the beauty in life, you know how to make the world more beautiful yourself. These photos are amazing and it;s no wonder you love your work as you much as you do. Thanks so much for sharing these!

Tawny said...

Beautiful pictures! Great job!

sara said...

Me again- Hey, do you mind if I posted some of your pictures on my blog with links to you? Some of your older pictures, your painted piano, etc.

AND- I was going back through your archives and saw the link to Squint. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!