First let me just say that
I promise I am going to do better blogging this month.
Time seems to be flying around here,
and I have been enjoying playing with my family,
not being especially creative, however
making BIG changes within myself.
space The timing in my life could NOT have been better
for the mixture of fabulous happening around here.
First.... let me just start off by saying that
I was hired last week to be the new
Art/Photography teacher
at a private Christian High School minutes from my house.
There are honestly No words to express
how incredibly excited that I am to begin
this amazing new journey in my life.

So... for the last week I have been writing lesson plans
of all of my favorite artists for us to study.
Tarkay is my VERY VERY all time most fabulous artist of all.
I adore his shapes, his composition, and most of all his color.
I can hardly believe I am going to get paid to teach and paint about him.

Let me back up a little bit and tell you how all of this came to be.
This has been a summer so far of pure personal GROWTH for me.
It is a culminating effect of the 13 week Dave Ramsey class
I am taking, the 7 week study of James we are doing at our church,
and the wonderful book THROW OUT 50 THINGS.
Mix all of those together... and if you don't do some changing
then you must be dead.

The 2nd Sunday of our James (Life 101) sermon at church
I came home almost moved to tears.
I felt like our Pastor was speaking right to me.
He talked about people who can't make up their minds,
and float about this world double-minded.
Your mind is never settled in one direction
and in James it says You are tossed about ...
anyway... I realized that was totally me.
I toss to and fro all the time from opening a store,
or going back to teaching (which I dearly missed)
Then I began to pray and think deeper and realized
that I had LOST MY FOCUS !!!

The very next day I looked on line,
and found the most PERFECT job in the world for me.
It was a part-time Art Teacher
(they are on block schedule and I only have to go during my block)
at a Christian school.
It was the one place I could combine 3 of the things
I LOVE most in the world....
1. making things
2. the Lord
3. motivating and making a difference
IT was just too Perfect....
now I just had to apply and pray

anyway... to make a LONG story SHORT...
I got the job and couldn't be more thrilled.
It is the perfect ending to my
Throwing out the Old ( junk in my house & in my mind)
and IN with a brand NEW Beginning .

So.. as my summer continues
I will be studying, painting, and keeping track
of all the changes in my life.
I have made a vow NEVER to think I'm too old
to start over, and given up thinking that
I'm not quite good enough.
AND... most of all I have throw out the idea that
I've made too many mistakes to have a happy ending.
May you all experience the JOY from throwing out the JUNK
we pack up and carry around in our minds.