I start work in 3 days....
and redecorating.
and I'm sure at one point there will be more..
but, for now I love my picture.

Here it was back in January.
and here is the same area of the house
back when I must have been transforming
from a
serious phase to fun.
and here it is in the completely
serious phase....
Mercy that is
soooooooooooNOT me now.
Yesterday I decided I didn't like
living room any more.
So.... I got up early
and while everyone was sleeping
I started painting it
egg plant purple.
I know that is a color that MOST
of the world moves totally away from...
but for some reason I was feeling
a PURPLE phase coming on.
I painted this garage sale chest that was in the garage.
and I saw this on
some one's blog
(so sorry I can't remember where)
but..... I totally LOVED that where ever I saw it
they had used random mixed knobs on their chest.
I thought it was adorable so I ran to
Hobby Lobby today and Brady and I
picked out 6 of our favorites..
I TOTALLY LOVE this chest with these knobs.
This (as of today) is the funnest
corner of my house to be in...
I also gave my DRAG Queen deer
a new make over.
I was feeling she was a little under dressed
for the stage I am in at the moment.
so... as my teenagers have told me
He/she now has a Southern pimp hat
and a little bit of new
I'm not sure BRAD is thrilled with what I've
done to his deer.... but I can tell you
it gets way more attention that all of
those plain MAN deer hanging in other
random dens across the world. ha
This was my
living room when we first moved in.
MANY coats of paint and a zillion changes since then.
MERCY.... that was so YUCK !!!
This was the first look it had.
again with the serious phase...
WHAT was that all about??????
Many phases later it moved to this...
STILL hated the fireplace and that retirement home
white mantle...
SO..... while I was painting the purple,
and letting it dry between coats.
I decided to just paint the darn thing.
After all... what could look worse than
cheap builder wood white.
I painted it my other color of choice lately
Turquoise.... and I'm sure one day
I'll wonder
WHAT was I thinking....
But............today I LOVE it.
I still haven't done my painting yet...
but I did add a little mooing friend to the mantle.
of course fresh with a new coat of paint
and some polka dots.
Here were my frames last week.
I still haven't painted the wall behind it yet.
It is going to be purple too....
but everyone was waking up so I stopped for the day.
I've got the pictures in almost all of them...
I LOVE seeing "my people" on this wall.
Just wish it was purple already..
BUT... one step at a time...
after all..... Tomorrow is another day!
spaceMay we NEVER be afraid of change.Yes... sometimes we may Hate it,
and sometimes we may LOVE it.....
but you learn a little more about yourself
either way!!