Sunday, August 29, 2010

Where did TIME go??????

Where in the world did TIME go???????
I can not believe it has been so long since I wrote
on my blog....
It feels a little like I have left my child at the babysitter.
HOWEVER .... as school gets going, and our
lives get somewhat on a more routine schedule
I hope to get back to my BLOg
(aka.... the forgotten child of mine.)
I am heading to bed as soon as I write this...
but had to give you a little info on my NEW job.
OMG... it is totally the (without a doubt)
GREATEST job in America.
We have had 2 full weeks now.... and
My school is just to die for.
It is located right on the lake.
YES... I do mean on the water front.
We look out our windows and see the water.
WOW and TOTAL wow on that!
The people are wonderful, kind, caring, and just
a true JOY to work for.
Being at a CHRISTIAN school is nothing short
of a true blessing for me.
I promise I will have more details and
some pictures of the school this week.
Until then.... here is my first painting as
Mrs. Danford.
It is for our faculty ART show on Thursday.
It is my version of 1 part Picasso,
1 part cartoonish lines, and 2 parts Staci color.
Bliss and Blessings to you ALL.
May I always know when to
fall down on my knees and say
"Thank YOU"

Monday, August 2, 2010

Productive Panic

Ok... panic has now officially set in.
I start work in 3 days....
Why is it that you can seem to get so much done
when you're on a deadline????
and.... when I get frazzled....
for some reason I start painting
and redecorating.
(I'm not sure... but I think there is a name for this..
maybe decoratism, or frazzlism...)
But... today I got my GIANT picture
in of Brady and I.... so that lead to more redoing.
I think my piano area has now gone through
it's 12th transformation....
and I'm sure at one point there will be more..
but, for now I love my picture.
Here it was back in January.
and here is the same area of the house
back when I must have been transforming
from a serious phase to fun.
and here it is in the completely
serious phase....
Mercy that is sooooooooooo
NOT me now. haha
Yesterday I decided I didn't like
my living room any more.
So.... I got up early
and while everyone was sleeping
I started painting it
egg plant purple.
I know that is a color that MOST
of the world moves totally away from...
but for some reason I was feeling
a PURPLE phase coming on.
I painted this garage sale chest that was in the garage.
and I saw this on some one's blog
(so sorry I can't remember where)
but..... I totally LOVED that where ever I saw it
they had used random mixed knobs on their chest.
I thought it was adorable so I ran to
Hobby Lobby today and Brady and I
picked out 6 of our favorites..
I TOTALLY LOVE this chest with these knobs.
This (as of today) is the funnest
corner of my house to be in...
I also gave my DRAG Queen deer
a new make over.
I was feeling she was a little under dressed
for the stage I am in at the moment.
so... as my teenagers have told me
He/she now has a Southern pimp hat
and a little bit of new BLING.
I'm not sure BRAD is thrilled with what I've
done to his deer.... but I can tell you
it gets way more attention that all of
those plain MAN deer hanging in other
random dens across the world. ha
This was my living room when we first moved in.
MANY coats of paint and a zillion changes since then.
MERCY.... that was so YUCK !!!
This was the first look it had.
again with the serious phase...
WHAT was that all about??????
Many phases later it moved to this...
STILL hated the fireplace and that retirement home
cheap white mantle...
SO..... while I was painting the purple,
and letting it dry between coats.
I decided to just paint the darn thing.
After all... what could look worse than
cheap builder wood white.
I painted it my other color of choice lately
Turquoise.... and I'm sure one day
I'll wonder
WHAT was I thinking.... I LOVE it.
I still haven't done my painting yet...
but I did add a little mooing friend to the mantle.
of course fresh with a new coat of paint
and some polka dots.
Here were my frames last week.
I still haven't painted the wall behind it yet.
It is going to be purple too....
but everyone was waking up so I stopped for the day.
I've got the pictures in almost all of them...
I LOVE seeing "my people" on this wall.
Just wish it was purple already..
BUT... one step at a time...
after all..... Tomorrow is another day!
May we NEVER be afraid of change.
Yes... sometimes we may Hate it,
and sometimes we may LOVE it.....
but you learn a little more about yourself
either way!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Starting Fresh

I can hardly believe that a week from today
I will be starting my NEW job teaching
Art and Photography.
I am so thrilled... but a tad stressed
trying to get everything around here finished.
I am almost finished with my
"Throw out 50 Things" book.
I can not say enough about how wonderful it is.
Without a doubt.. it is the most life changing book
I've read in a long long time.
I waited until the end to do Brady's stuff..
What a mess of toys he had in his little room.
So many, and in such chaos that he hardly
even played with them.
Soooooo.. we dumped ALL of them out
and started separating into sections.
You can see on his face just how
NOT excited he was about this project.
But... we went through every single toy..
and found a whole bunch we'd forgotten about
HE had so many (of his older sister's) beanie babies
that he could almost bury himself in them.
I went to Wal-Mart and bought
see through tubs.
(this I have found is a wonderful secret for kids)
Now he can see exactly what toys he has.
We organized every thing we were keeping,
and put them all into SECTIONS.
He is quite picky about making sure
the cars do NOT get into the animal section. haha
I just LOVE how it all turned out...
and Brady has played more with his toys
in the last few days than he has
in the last 3 months put together.
While on my "GET rid of stuff" tour
through my house. I decided that I didn't
really like anything at all in my living room.
SO... I cleared almost ALL of it out
and I am starting over.
I found some of my MILLIONS of frames
in the garage and painted them all
various shades of turquoise.
I have pictures to go in almost all of them
and will show you the finished wall
as soon as I get them all in and the wall painted.
I also found this HUGE canvas
on the side of the road
and brought it home.
I know exactly the painting I am going to do
on it... but just haven't gotten around to that
yet either.
So for now everything is just
a random shade of uncluttered blue....
May we all... (MOSTLY me)
remember that everything does NOT
HAVE to be done TODAY!
Sometimes it's the SLOW rides that are the most enjoyable.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Exactly What I Wanted

Here are a few more of my Favorite shots
my precious friend and photographer pal Sherry
took of Brady and I while
we were in Waco last week.
We found this garage wall by accident
while driving down the middle of the alley.
The colors were the most fun I could have ever wished for .
I am just so incredibly excited about all of these pictures.
Now all I've got to do is figure out which walls
I'm gonna put them on...
and how big I'm gonna make them.
Man how this little fellow has changed my life !
What a fabulous day we had together.

paceMaking memories I will NEVER forget.
May we all have at least one incredible photo
that shows exactly how we feel about our children...
and best of all a great friend who can do it!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Greatest Gift

I just got home from Waco
where I met one of my dearest friends.
I only see her once or, at best, twice a year
because she moved half way across the world.
I try my best to wait patiently each year
for our fun filled, full of giggles... Summer Visits.
She is also a photographer nerd....
(the term we have affectionately given ourselves)
We can sit for hours and talk about lighting, photoshop,
and our new favorite techniques....
I can say without a doubt that she
is the ONLY person in the entire world
who truly understands my philosophy
of what a photograph should be.
The #1 goal was to capture emotion...
and everything else is a far off second place
So... this year I asked her to please take
my yearly photograph with Brady.
I knew the exact look I wanted and knew
that she was the gal who could capture it.
This was the RESULT...
No amount of money can ever buy or replace this moment.
She knew my heart so very well
and knew just what I wanted...
and man oh man did she ever catch it.
I will have more of our shoot to share later in the week.
May we always understand that most anyone
can take a photograph....
but only a few can capture a memory.
Thank you Sherry !

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wedding Wishes

My mother has been here this week
to help watch Brady
so that I could finish a Wedding Album.

As I worked on their album pages
I traveled many times to my little
FAIRYTALE world of romance and happily ever afters.

I am always touched by the uniqueness
of each couple's LOVE STORY.
And out of all the Weddings I have photographed
over the years........ NO two have ever been the same.

I enjoy so very much getting to know
each of my couples and hearing
their LOVE stories.

It is always inspiring and somewhat magical
to be in the presence of LOVE....
and what better place to find that
than in the middle of a Wedding.

So... as I worked on the pages of this book
and relived a few sparks of their magic....
I thought I'd share some of my favorites.

The best part about seeing a Wedding photograph
(and not being a part of the wedding)....
is that you get to make up your own story.
Some of my favorite pictures
are ones where I had NO clue what
was REALLY going on... soooooooooo
I made it up!!

I hope that everyone out there
in BLOG world today is sprinkled
with a little magic...

I hope next time you're at a Wedding...
you will STOP and watch for the sparkles..

and... I hope none of us EVER stop wishing for
a Fairytale in our own lives..
Sometimes all it takes is a sprinkle
for one to begin!!

Bliss and Blessings your way today..

May you find LOVE looking just around the corner.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Art and Soul

First let me just say that
I promise I am going to do better blogging this month.
Time seems to be flying around here,
and I have been enjoying playing with my family,
not being especially creative, however
making BIG changes within myself.
The timing in my life could NOT have been better
for the mixture of fabulous happening around here.
First.... let me just start off by saying that
I was hired last week to be the new
Art/Photography teacher
at a private Christian High School minutes from my house.
There are honestly No words to express
how incredibly excited that I am to begin
this amazing new journey in my life.
So... for the last week I have been writing lesson plans
of all of my favorite artists for us to study.
Tarkay is my VERY VERY all time most fabulous artist of all.
I adore his shapes, his composition, and most of all his color.
I can hardly believe I am going to get paid to teach and paint about him.
Let me back up a little bit and tell you how all of this came to be.
This has been a summer so far of pure personal GROWTH for me.
It is a culminating effect of the 13 week Dave Ramsey class
I am taking, the 7 week study of James we are doing at our church,
and the wonderful book THROW OUT 50 THINGS.
Mix all of those together... and if you don't do some changing
then you must be dead.
The 2nd Sunday of our James (Life 101) sermon at church
I came home almost moved to tears.
I felt like our Pastor was speaking right to me.
He talked about people who can't make up their minds,
and float about this world double-minded.
Your mind is never settled in one direction
and in James it says You are tossed about ...
anyway... I realized that was totally me.
I toss to and fro all the time from opening a store,
or going back to teaching (which I dearly missed)
Then I began to pray and think deeper and realized
that I had LOST MY FOCUS !!!
The very next day I looked on line,
and found the most PERFECT job in the world for me.
It was a part-time Art Teacher
(they are on block schedule and I only have to go during my block)
at a Christian school.
It was the one place I could combine 3 of the things
I LOVE most in the world....
1. making things
2. the Lord
3. motivating and making a difference
IT was just too Perfect....
now I just had to apply and pray
anyway... to make a LONG story SHORT...
I got the job and couldn't be more thrilled.
It is the perfect ending to my
Throwing out the Old ( junk in my house & in my mind)
and IN with a brand NEW Beginning .

So.. as my summer continues
I will be studying, painting, and keeping track
of all the changes in my life.
I have made a vow NEVER to think I'm too old
to start over, and given up thinking that
I'm not quite good enough.
AND... most of all I have throw out the idea that
I've made too many mistakes to have a happy ending.
May you all experience the JOY from throwing out the JUNK
we pack up and carry around in our minds.